• Location: Gampaha | ගම්පහ
  • Girls Personal
  • 2 weeks ago
Rs. 10,000.00
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🌹 i am Hashini My age 22 Years Old 😍😛

🌹 White skin Girl .
🪷Today IM Staying My own apartment (Home) 😋😉

🌺 🪷 This One is 100%
🌺 My Real Picture Dont ask More Picture.

I am from Gampha.
My age is 22 years old.

Private Apartment (My Home)

🔥Rs. 10000 for 1 hours

🔥 Rs. 18000 for 2 hours

🔥 Rs. 30000 For Full Night

🔥 Punishment Treatment Rs. 15000

🔥 Couple Service Rs. 20000 for 3 hours

🎀 Hey.. Im Shani

💟 Boobs Suck Ok (Red Nipals)

💟Suck Ok

💟Any Position Ok

💟 Visit Ok

💞Love To Travel

💞Dinner Out like girl friend, Party, and more

💞Very Addicted to the 

💞Full night ok

👙Doing full service
👙Boobs suck OK

👙Age 22

👙 Girl friend experience

👠 This is my real picture (Don worry about it)

👠Licking OK

👠 Lip Kiss OK

👠Any Positions OK

💄 Suck With or Without Condom OK

💄 Also With or Without Condom OK
💄 Bathroom OK

💄 Unlimited Shots
🌟 Do in my own apartment (Home)

Super Clean Fresh Girl... 100%
Trusted Genuine Service... Friendly... Social.. Open Minded Girl.... Like your Girl Friend.. Romantic Service with Girl Friend Experience.. Your all fantastic Ill make reality 😍🙈 Mmmm then Lets meet 😍😉

❤️❤️😘 Please Don Waste My Time VIP Genuine Customers and Clients Get call to make appointment and havin Fun 😘❤️❤️

❤ Thank You ❤

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Our company is responsible for the services we guarantee and our company is not responsible for the transactions made by you before or after meeting for any other services.

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